Jurassic World: Dominion

 Ephraim Belnap

There's been worse endings. 

Jurassic World: Dominion is the third entry in the Jurassic World Trilogy. While the first two were about securing the animals, this one is about rescuing them. The heroes' pet velociraptor Blue has had a baby - Beta - and when she and their adopted daughter Maisie are kidnapped by an evil genetics company (the only kind of company in this world), they set out to rescue them, even if it takes them all over the planet. 

The Jurassic film series has been notoriously shaky, suffering from too many cooks in the kitchen and shoddy writing. But as the conclusion to this trilogy, and as a display of dinosaurs, it's not bad. The action is exciting, the premises are interesting, and the film uses its gimmick - "What if dinosaurs spread to the mainland in such numbers that they couldn't be rounded up?" - to creative effect. A highlight for many viewers will be the Amber Glaze Market - a mysterious black market where dinosaurs are traded, smuggled, and forced to fight each other like real-life Pokemon. 

While it's not as good as the original Jurassic Park (indeed, none of them have been), Jurassic World is a reasonably good time at the cinema for families and kids, sure to excite and provoke. 


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