The Falcon & The Winter Soldier: Episode 6 - One World, One People

 By Ephraim Belnap

Falcon & Winter Soldier has a fun finale that finally gives us Captain America 

    After four weeks of discussion and one week of preparation, Sam Wilson finally takes the Captain America mantle! With a reunited cast that includes Batroc the Leaper (George St. Pierre) and Sharon Carter (Emily Van Camp), he takes the fight to the enemy and leads a takedown of the Flag Smashers. The questions the show has built around come to a head, and we get an extended action sequence that's equal to the first episode's.

    His isn't the only story wrapped up, though. We see the resolution of Bucky's story, of John Walker's, of Isaiah Bradley's, and of Karli Morgenthau. This miniseries - which will inevitably tie in with the movies at some point - manages to rearrange its characters in a fun way that leaves them primed for their next outing. The presence of new characters in the last ten minutes is sure to have fans excited too. And a mid-credits stinger is likely to have them running to Wikipedia for answers. 

    While not a perfect series - its handling of subject matter felt frustratingly inconsistent - this show has managed to succeed, and to bring some meaningful ideas into the popular sphere. While not quite as good as the movie entries, it's still a delight to see. Recommend

The Falcon & The Winter Soldier is available to stream on Disney+



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