The Falcon & The Winter Soldier Episode 3 - Power Broker

 By Ephraim Belnap

"We have to fix this," Sam complains, "I'm the only one who looks like a pimp."

"Only an American would assume a fashion-forward black man looks like a pimp," intones his dresser, former villain Baron Zemo.

    Amidst a confusing reshuffle of allegiances and a trail of mysterious thefts, Episode 3 follows Sam, Bucky, and the newly-freed Zemo to the fictional hideaway of Madripoor, where everything has a price, including the information they need. While there, they even meet their old ally Sharon (Emily Van Camp), who leads them through a storm of gunfire to their destination. 

    Episode 3 starts the middle section of the six-episode miniseries, and while polished as ever, it lacks the story punch of the previous two episodes. Slick action and exciting setting can't hide the weak spots in the story, as the action roots overtake the social aspects for the most part. While important information is revealed, the motive behind them is mysterious, and the brief scenes we get with the other story threads - John Walker, the Flag Smashers - feel surprisingly less nuanced than before. 

    Weaknesses aside, the episode is still strong, with the presence of Zemo adding levity and insight. The action is fun and engaging, and Emily Van Camp in particular gets to shine. While the episode has story weaknesses, they're likely just a gaffe of pacing. 

The Falcon & The Winter Soldier is available to stream on Disney+


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